Short Term Compliance Costs will Save you Money in the Long Term...
Noncompliance with FOG accrues significant costs in the long term:
Fines every 3 years of operation include:
Failure to Register with the MDC Fine: $500
Deny Inspection Fine: $225
No FOG equipment: $200
Non-compliant FOG equipment: $200
Failure to maintain cleaning and records: $100
Failure to regularly empty traps: $200
Improper Cleaning Disposal Fine: $200
Fines for each year of operation include:
Source of Overflow Fine: $1000
Main Drain Blockage Removal Costs: $1000
Investing in FOG compliance:
1 Time Installation Fee of AGRU: $900
1 Time Cost to Purchase the AGRU: $3,110.33
90 Day Cleaning Costs: $427.68
Compliance with FOG regulations will help save money for your business...
$3,712.87 after 10 years
$7,425.73 after 20 years
$11,138.60 after 30 years
Make every dollar counts! ​
For more information on how to become compliant, check out these educational resources!
To see what stage of compliance your restaurant is on, complete the compliance survey!